Review of Pharm Fresh Juice by TexasRealFood
Get your daily dose of raw, organic, and plant-based cold-pressed juice with Pharm Fresh. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Pharm Fresh Juice is a local business that specializes in healthy beverages that comes in 8 varieties: glow, the love cleanse, just celery, beauty tonic, Majik milk, chocolate cashew milk, and onyx tonic. These juices are extremely delicious and nutritious. Let’s take ‘just celery” for example; this juice gives you vitamin C, K, B6, magnesium, potassium, and folate. In addition, it lowers down high cholesterol and inflammation; it prevents or treats high blood pressure; it helps prevents ulcers; it protects the liver; it boosts digestions and reduces bloating; it helps fight infections; it protects the body from cancer; and most of all, it benefits weight loss – All that in just one drink. So, if you’re aiming for that healthy lifestyle and healthy diet, Pharm Fresh should be definitely a staple.