Review of Rolen’s Honey Bees by TexasRealFood
Rolen’s Honey Bees is a family-owned and operated business that is dedicated to the rescue and preservation of honey bees. Thus, they do swarm removal and live removal bee services since 2013. Folks, you are going to be “very happy with their professionalism”; they have a “quick response” time for all your inquiries and their “speedy removal of the bees” is outstanding! On the other note, this business also specializes in authentic, raw, “100% pure and local honey,” and is registered with the Texas Beekeepers Association as producers of Real Texas Honey. Oh, “you’ll love the honey” that they offer as “raw honey is so much better for us than the processed” ones. It is such a “great product” with such a great taste. Just a friendly reminder though, “the local honey is best in the springtime!” Don't miss the chance.