Camp Wood, TX 78833
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Local Food Businesses offering Strawberry Preserves near Camp Wood, Texas 78833 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Wolf Creek Farm and Neighborhood Market

Farm & Ranch in Lubbock - 292.45 mi

Wolf Creek Farms is a Non-GMO, chemical free grower of produce and herbs. They have "wonderful products and great people!!" Their salad greens & kale as well as beets are "wonderful!" They also sell cookies that are "absolutely heavenly" and the Lavender Lemonade is also "so refreshing". It will make you "feel calm and relaxed". And, "it's not uncommon for Wolf to pick something fresh out of the field and bring it" to their customers. They can be your "go-to for quality produce". You will "also like that they support other local growers by providing eggs, dairy, cheese, and meats from fellow producers".   Note: The pandemic, weather, and other struggles has taken a toll on the farm, they're a bit down at the moment when it comes to production, but they're definitely not out! Follow them through their social media pages for production updates and other information relating to the Neighborhood market!

Stanford Family Farms

Artisan Food Producer in Dallas - 295.08 mi

The family that owns and operates the Stanford Family Farms of today is related to the farmers who tend the land in Northeast Texas as early as the 1900s. Located in Dallas, Texas, Stanford Family Farms focus on two things. First, they want to teach others the ropes of urban farming. Another thing they do is make and sell freshly-made food, sourced from fellow local farmers. They have marinated mushrooms, chicken broth, and mushroom broth. They also have ingredients for making pies, like fillings, toppings, and doughs. Once the bread is ready, you'll need a jam, or jelly, or marmalade for added sweetness. Thankfully, they sell these too! For some savory flavors, check out their salsa or pickles.

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