China, TX 77613
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Local Food Businesses offering Peach & Ginger Jam near China, Texas 77613 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


PSR 1880

Farm & Ranch in Menard - 347.18 mi

PSR 1880 or the Pecan Spring Ranch was established in 1880. The ranch has been in the family for generations. They distribute premium meats and jams/relishes. They offer Wagyu beef and Dorper lamb. Also available are Jayne’s Specialties Homemade Preserves. With many flavors to choose from and only using the freshest and most natural ingredients. Zero preservatives or colorings, just old fashioned, homestyle preserves. You can browse these jams at their online store. You can also email PSR 1880 for inquiries about their products. Check out their social media page too.

ML Farms

Farm & Ranch in Stamford - 377.83 mi

Try ML Farms' "keto bread" because it is "delicious" and their "keto cinnamon rolls as well!" You will also like their "apple pie jelly" for your "jelly sandwiches".  You will "definitely will be getting more". You can find them selling their "jams, jellies, pickles, and" their "Keto treats" such as "Keto buns, Keto cinnamon rolls, and Keto Pecan Pies" at "Abilene's Farmer's Market". Check out their social media page too for more updates about their farm. You can also "check the Chrane Ranch Market" because "you can also find all" their "jams, jellies, and pickles there". They also participate "at the Pecan Festival" in "Clyde, Texas".

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