Cuney, TX 75759
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Local Food Businesses offering Muffins near Cuney, Texas 75759 (2)

Few businesses found within 25 miles. Showing listings within 50 miles.


The Waldo Way Dairy Farm & Artisan Bakery (Tyler)

Artisan Food Producer in Tyler - 29.57 mi

The Waldo Way Dairy Farm & Artisan Bakery - Tyler is another location for this family farm that offers raw dairy products and artisanal baked goods. They've been in business since 2013 and have been providing members of their farmshares some of the best raw dairy products this side of Tyler, Texas. Some of their baked goods include muffins, brownies, and gluten free granola.

The Waldo Way Dairy Farm & Artisan Bakery (Mineola)

Artisan Food Producer in Mineola - 48.82 mi

The Waldo Way Dairy Farm & Artisan Bakery is a family-owned farm that specializes in Raw dairy and artisan baked goods since 2013. They also have a farmshare program where members can buy into the operations of the farm. They offer Raw Milk Products, pasture-raised beef, artisan baked goods, skin care products and even a farmstay!

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