Douglass, TX 75943
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Local Food Businesses offering Grass-Fed Beef near Douglass, Texas 75943 (2)


Counter Culture Farms

Farm & Ranch in Nacogdoches - 15.52 mi

Counter Culture Farms in Nacogdoches, Texas offer you intimacy with the land, food, and healing through their products. In a world where everything comes in a super-fast pace, the farm revels in the fact that they raise their meats in the way that time has almost forgotten. They invite you to come and be part of the sacred ways of this life, the land, and our ancestors. A visit to their farm will show you where your food is coming from, not from a factory, but from nature itself. Send them a note, see the cows moo, the goats bahh, and the eagles soar. There is so much more to life and food than what groceries can offer.

Heleyon Sheep & Cattle Co., LLC

Farm & Ranch in Lufkin - 20.41 mi

Heleyon Sheep & Cattle Company's emphasis on quality meats stems from their experience in the field of raising livestock. Specializing in Red Dorper & White Angus, all of their cattle are grass-fed. This natural food source for their cattle explains how their meats are more flavorful than your average store-bought cut of meat.

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