Fieldton, TX 79326
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Local Food Businesses offering Cake Balls / Cake Pops near Fieldton, Texas 79326 (2)

Few businesses found within 25 miles. Showing listings within 50 miles.


Munchie’s Bakery

Artisan Food Producer in Lubbock - 39.11 mi

The key selling points for Munchie’s Bakery are two things: freshness and variety. Every week, they promise to sell a variety of loaves of bread, pies, cinnamon rolls, and other baked goods at Wolfforth Farmers Market. What they bring there to sell are items freshly-made. And the choices aren't just limited to what you want to eat, there are also options offered to those who have specific dietary considerations.  They can also choose their preferred pick-up location for their orders. Most important of all, they can order custom-made baked goods tailored to your preferences. No wonder they are successful since they opened in 2017. Note: All of their gluten-free and special dietary items are custom ordered only.

Batter + Bowl

Artisan Food Producer in Lubbock - 40.82 mi

Batter + Bowl is a local business in Lubbock that bakes delicious cookies and cake pops for meetings, school parties, sport events, gatherings, and any other occasion. They provide fresh and homemade cookies that come “for a great price.” Their “peanut butter cookie” and “chocolate chip cookies were the best!” They have the “perfect size” with the perfect texture, and you can definitely experience “fresh-out-of-the-oven delicious cookies even the second day!” Indeed, it’s such an “amazing” experience to try these goodies. Don’t forget to check out their website for cookie flavors. “Order for friends, family, or business” – you won’t get disappointed.

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