Fieldton, TX 79326
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Local Food Businesses offering Soup Mixes near Fieldton, Texas 79326 (2)

Few businesses found within 25 miles. Showing listings within 50 miles.


Vengee’s CrispsNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Lubbock - 40.82 mi

Vengee’s Crisps "always fulfills that crunchy snack attack with healthful and delicious crispy veggies and fruits!" This is owned by a family in West Texas who love spending time together. They started drying fruits & veggies one winter simply to share some healthiness with each other. Realizing after a few months that they wanted to make more to share with their community. So, they decided to join a farmer's market family to spread the love. You can follow them on their social media on their next event appearance. You can also buy their items at the online store of their website. They also participate in the Kelle B's Chicago Station Market.

Artisan Oils and Vinegars

Artisan Food Producer in Lubbock - 42.53 mi

A family-owned store in Lubbock is the culprit for all these “top quality oils, vinegar, and herbs.” These artisans offer barrel-aged, flavor-infused olive oils and balsamic vinegar, dipping sauces, dried soup mixes, and flavored pasta. They have 24 amazing flavors available and you are highly encouraged to sample their products as much as you like. “The honey ginger and cranberry pear are phenomenal.” Drizzling it on some “golden beets and kale salad was perfection.” If you enjoy a little heat and flavor, be sure to try the roasted chili oil, which is amazing independently by the way, but pairing it with garlic olive oil just adds so much flavor. Don't forget to try their cranberry-orange vinegar for that “citrusy pork salad recipe,” or “use the Jalapeño lime vinegar to sauté mushrooms” for a little quick meal twist. Oh and by the way, “that Tuscan herb is to die for!" 

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