Fort Worth, TX 76116
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Local Food Businesses offering Macadamias near Fort Worth, Texas 76116 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Durham-Ellis Pecan

Artisan Food Producer in Comanche - 88.44 mi

Durham-Ellis Pecan, which is located in Comanche, Texas, makes and sells delicious, farm-fresh pecans, nuts, candies, trail mixes, chocolates, and more. The products they sell are excellent gift items. Durham-Ellis Pecan is always looking for ways to partner with the locals and the community. If you are looking to start a business, Durham-Ellis Pecan is open to individuals thinking of doing business as wholesalers. They are not focused on profit all the time. If you are planning a fundraising activity, get in touch with Durham-Ellis Pecan and see how they can help you.

Hortiprocess LLC

Artisan Food Producer in Houston - 229.71 mi

Hortiprocess is a local coffee roaster that roasts their own house blends as well as offering roasting services for business owners who want their own brands. They carry a wide range of roasts as well as  Great Colombian Coffee, grown on the slopes of the mountains of Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda, Valle del Cauca and Tolima, in Colombia.

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