Fort Worth, TX 76137
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Local Food Businesses offering Garlic Scapes near Fort Worth, Texas 76137 (2)

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New Leaf AgricultureNo Own Retail Location

Farm & Ranch in Elgin - 173.16 mi

New Leaf Agriculture is a nonprofit social enterprise of MRC. They support refugee families through a community garden plot in Austin, Texas. Also, in early 2018, launched a commercial farm in nearby Elgin, Texas.  Watermelon radishes, turnips, spinach, kale, chard, cilantro, lettuce, cabbage, pink radishes, leeks, bok choy - these are just some of their seasonal produce. Help this organization "create 5,332 hours of fair-wage employment". With support from you, they "will continue connecting refugees to sustainable farming opportunities" while creating livelihood for refugees. You can also sign up for their CSA or Community Supported Agriculture program to enjoy eight weeks of vegetables from their farm.

Onion Creek Farm

Farm & Ranch in Dripping Springs - 196.46 mi

Onion Creek Farm in Dripping Springs, Texas is home to certified organic produce, farm-fresh eggs, Luna, PeepPeep, Emmylou, Bonnie and Clyde. This is a certified organic vegetable and herb farm. Also, direct sales to stores, farm stand, farmers market. They also grow heirloom sorghum to make sorghum molasses. Try their "organic, made-by-hand English Muffins baked fresh". This is "available at Dripping Springs Farmers Market". You can also find "leeks, green onions, fresh garlic, scapes, lambs quarters, cilantro, herbs, sourdough, baguettes, pecans & pickles". "Also gorgeous Italian basil, Thai basil, summer squash, new potatoes, arugula, garlic, shallots, lemon thyme & sweet melons" too. Check out their social media page and contact them for their products and updates.

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