Fort Worth, TX 76166
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Local Food Businesses offering Edamame Soybeans near Fort Worth, Texas 76166 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Escape Acres Funny Farm

Farm & Ranch in Port Aransas - 46.40 mi

Escape Acres Funny Farm is a family farm is located 32 miles southeast from downtown Dallas, Texas. They do gardening in raised beds because they "are getting old... LOL & thought it would be easier" on their backs. They also raise poultry and eggs. She also has a cat named "Sissy" who thinks she hatched the eggs of her chickens or so she thinks. If you are interested in purchasing any poultry, you may contact the owner Lisa Horton McCullough for details.  

Wholesome Harvest Farm

Farm & Ranch in San Antonio - 227.26 mi

Wholesome Harvest Farm's  crops are grown for flavor and wholesomeness, and since it is grown using organic methods, their produce keeps much better. This farm is owned by "very knowledgeable folks and very good about alternative ways to fix the food". They have a strong belief in the Eat Local movement and print recipes and provide information on how to use their produce. You should buy from them and "if you haven't tried the lettuce mix you've missed out". They especially enjoy raising unique heirloom fruit and vegetable varieties. They are also raising chickens and ducks for eggs. This place is truly "great addition to Schertz!"

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