Fort Worth, TX 76166
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Local Food Businesses offering Green Cherry Tomatoes near Fort Worth, Texas 76166 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Clifton Farmers’ Market

Farmers Market in Clifton - 67.17 mi

If you are looking for Clifton Farmers Market, it is along Highway 6. Look for the Post Office, and you will find Clifton Farmers Market beside it. The people here are fun and cheery. It makes shopping for baked breads, homemade salsa and jams, body butter, and flowers a really fun experience. Drop by if you need eggs or fresh vegetables. They have spinach, lettuces, kale, and radish here. There's also canned dill and pickles, as well as baked goods made by locals.

Hodgepodge Farm

Farm & Ranch in Boerne - 311.98 mi

A confused mixture of produce, Hodgepodge Farm offers different kinds of fruits, veggies, microgreens, and herbs. Katie would always joke around that they are an absolute 'hodgepodge of things.' She runs a rather quaint farm in her backyard. The urban farm uses all-natural fertilizers to cultivate their land. Customers love and admire Katie's outlook and passion for growing food as she keeps everything in a well-organized way. You can buy sage, rosemary, tabasco peppers from her farm. Moreover, she sells handmade smudge sticks and homemade goodies. Visit the farm today, and learn more about their processes. They are just off the Canyon E-way. You can find it at McCormick road.

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