Fort Worth, TX 76166
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Local Food Businesses offering Indian Corn near Fort Worth, Texas 76166 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Assiter Punkin Ranch

Farm & Ranch in Floydada - 246.69 mi

Welcome to Assiter Punkin Ranch in Floydada, the renowned pumpkin capital of the USA. With a legacy dating back to the 1960s, our family-owned ranch offers 71 varieties of pumpkins on our 45-acre land. From vibrant oranges to unique greens, we have the perfect pumpkin for you. Ranked 2nd in Texas, our pumpkin patch is a must-visit. Join our engaging pumpkin tours and delight in the joyous pumpkin rides loved by kids. Explore our petting zoo featuring friendly dogs, cats, goats, donkeys, and horses. Adults appreciate our quality pumpkins at competitive prices. Don't miss our annual festival every 2nd Saturday of October. Experience Assiter Punkin Ranch and create lasting memories.

Buttercups Patch

Farm & Ranch in Concepcion - 256.24 mi

Buttercups Patch is a family farm owned by a husband and wife farm team. This is a 20-acre farm in Buna, Southeast Texas. They have hens on free-range pasture and good ol’ Southeast Texas fresh air and sunshine. A fibromyalgia medical diagnosis with the wife led them to get into the chicken and egg business. They then decided to eat more organic and wholesome foods. Instead of buying eggs, they raised hens to produce eggs. They also try to have strawberry popcorn garlic and Indian corn along with pasture-raised pork and free-range chicken eggs and meat goats for sale. You may contact them directly on how to buy their produce. They haven't updated their CSA page since Feb 20, 2015, contact them directly for more information.

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