Hutto, TX 78634
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Local Food Businesses offering Dill Microgreens near Hutto, Texas 78634 (3)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Mighty Greens Houston

Farm & Ranch in Houston - 139.28 mi

The dedication to excellence at our microgreen farm is truly exceptional. We prioritize creating the healthiest environment for our microgreens, starting with planting organic seeds in carefully selected substrates tailored to each species. Nourished with organic nutrients in purified water and bathed in optimal lighting for efficient photosynthesis, our microgreens thrive in an environment designed to maximize their potential. The soothing backdrop of great music further enhances their growth process. At every stage, from planting to germination, harvesting, packaging, and delivery, we meticulously observe and cater to the unique requirements of each species. This hands-on approach allows us to truly understand and nurture the individual characteristics and needs of our microgreens, ensuring that they reach our customers in the peak of perfection.

GreenMeta Microgreens

Farm & Ranch in The Colony - 179.37 mi

GreenMeta Microgreens provides fresh and nutrient-rich produce that's bound to elevate any dish for local restaurants, food joints, or home kitchens in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. All of their produce is grown-to-order at their grow area in The Colony, Texas. They have wide variety of fresh microgreens that can be used as a wonderful addition to any restaurant's dishes. Currently, they're growing purple radish, wasabi, Genovese basil, broccoli microgreens, China rose radish, wheatgrass, and cilantro microgreens. And, if you're interested in growing your own, they also have microgreen planting equipment for sale at their online shop.

Granbury FarmsNo Own Retail Location

Farm & Ranch in Granbury - 6667.44 mi

Granbury Farms holds a special place in our hearts as it has been tended to by our family for many years. Our pride in cultivating the very foods that nourish your families is immeasurable. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who support us in this endeavor. Your ongoing patronage enables us to continue our tradition of providing high-quality, homegrown produce. Thank you for being part of our farming journey and for choosing Granbury Farms as your source of fresh, wholesome foods.

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