Hutto, TX 78634
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Local Food Businesses offering Gluten Free Baking Mixes near Hutto, Texas 78634 (2)

Few businesses found within 25 miles. Showing listings within 50 miles.


Sweet Charli GirlNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Austin - 23.52 mi

Just because you cannot eat gluten, does not mean you do not deserve scrumdiddlyumptious treats! Sweet Charli Girl makes “gluten-free baking” delicious! Even customers that can eat gluten love their baked goods! It is a small business “founded by Rachel” that have taken her family's love of baking and her gluten intolerance into an amazing gluten free bakery. For years, she had a dream of a bakery filled with every sweet you could imagine. But after she was diagnosed with gluten intolerance, Rachel thought those dreams were gone. After a few months of sulking, she decided to start gluten free recipe testing. What she discovered was that gluten free baked goods could be just as yummy as what she used to eat. Just like that, Sweet Charli Girl was born, a bakery that everyone will crave, gluten free or otherwise.

Chaparral CoffeeNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Lockhart - 47.48 mi

Chaparral Coffee is a full-service coffee shop and café that serves different types of coffee and delicious sandwiches! They’ve got the usual café fare like espresso, latte, americano, cappuccino, mocha, hot and cold brew coffee along with other offerings like Pecan Toddy, Cortado and Mexican Mocha. Also part of the menu are various filling and tasty sandwiches and breads. And now, Chaparral Coffee has evolved into a bodega style market that carries other pantry staples like fresh deli meats, cheeses, local eggs, milk, and more groceries!

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