Hutto, TX 78634
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Local Food Businesses offering Wild Plums near Hutto, Texas 78634 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Cartermere Farm

Farm & Ranch in Celina - 199.70 mi

A family farm just outside of Celina, Cartermere Farm is close to people in Northcentral Texas. The farm sits in three hundred acres of land, by which, 38 acres is a lake. The lake made it to the farm's name. The family who owns the lake are the Carters, and the old English word for lake is mere. Therefore, Cartermere literally means Carter's Lake. The farm tries to produce the best quality food they can while sticking to organic and sustainable methods. Nelson Carter, the owner, now sells fresh eggs, organic produce, and grass-fed lambs. Check their beautifully-maintained website for more information! They haven't updated their CSA page since January 2015, contact them directly for more information.

Cook’s Farm and Ranch

Farm & Ranch in Savoy - 226.57 mi

Known for selling pasture raised pork and chicken, Cook's Farm & Ranch also produces Home Grown Vegetables of all kinds in season. The taste of their finished pasture raised Pork and chicken is superior to what is found in the supermarket. Hogs and chicken are born and raised at Cook's Farm & Ranch the way nature intended, grown and finished on pasture. “No hormones, growth stimulants or antibiotics” are ever added. Aside from pasture raised pork and chicken, they also do Pop up BBQ, Real Pit BBQ, and Turkey! They do custom smoked meals to feed a Group, Office and they also deliver in the local area. You can buy their products everyday at the Farm or Farmers Markets around area.

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