Lillian, TX 76061
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Local Food Businesses offering Chile Pepper Salt near Lillian, Texas 76061 (2)

Few businesses found within 25 miles. Showing listings within 50 miles.


Chef Milton GourmetNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Richardson - 29.36 mi

For contributing to food and how people cook and eat, Chef Milton Gourmet and its owner should be considered as a salt of the earth - pun intended. Usually, those who pursue the business of selling salt are there for the profit to be had in selling salt for practical purposes. Because people need salt, period. Chef Milton Gourmet reminds us that there is more to explore when it comes to the use and taste of salt. These products were curated and produced with care. It is not a marketing ploy or a play on words - there is, indeed, a more complex dimension to using salt.

Behrnes Pepper SaltNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Dallas - 32.39 mi

Want a natural and flavorsome alternative to straight sodium? Behrnes' Pepper Salts are delicious blends of spices, enhanced flavor, and add either a smoky, fresh, or hot and fiery something extra to any food. Founded in 2012, Behrnes’ mission is to provide “quality spice blends and sauces” to spice up the lives of all Texans with Behrnes’ Pepper Salts, and then the world! They have different variants such as Habanero Pepper Salt, Chipotle Pepper Salt, Cayenne Pepper Salt, and their best seller, the “Green Jalapeno Pepper Salt”. All of this and packaged in a glass jar instead of plastic. Behrnes’ Pepper Salts are a natural and flavorsome alternative to straight sodium that appeals to the modern American foodie. As such, It could be a staple grocery item in many Texan households.

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