Lubbock, TX 79424
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Local Food Businesses offering Chili Mix near Lubbock, Texas 79424 (2)


Vengee’s CrispsNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Lubbock - 8.09 mi

Vengee’s Crisps "always fulfills that crunchy snack attack with healthful and delicious crispy veggies and fruits!" This is owned by a family in West Texas who love spending time together. They started drying fruits & veggies one winter simply to share some healthiness with each other. Realizing after a few months that they wanted to make more to share with their community. So, they decided to join a farmer's market family to spread the love. You can follow them on their social media on their next event appearance. You can also buy their items at the online store of their website. They also participate in the Kelle B's Chicago Station Market.

Kelle B Jammin’No Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Lubbock - 8.09 mi

The name alone evokes high, positive, contagious energy, and it is exciting! Kelle B Jammin' is a smart play on words, perfect for the business of selling delicious jams. Kelle B Jammin’ makes and sells small-batch, artisanal, gourmet jams. But don't be fooled by the name. They also sell snacks and pickles, rubs, spices, sauces, as well as mixes and kits. This small, local business is located in Lubbock, Texas. Just as sweet is the other project by Kelle B Jammin' - Kelle B Kids Cookery Camp, where kids are taught basic cooking skills. That is an important skill and who knows, maybe someday one of the kids here start their own jam business, just like Kelle B Jammin’!      

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