Lubbock, TX 79424
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Local Food Businesses offering Himalayan Salt near Lubbock, Texas 79424 (3)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Trinity Haymarket

Store in Dallas - 298.79 mi

Trinity Haymarket is primarily a feed store, and this is an important business in a community. Many small businesses depend on the availability of feeds, without which, farm animals will starve. Feeding the animals is just one part of the job. A farm life involves other tasks, which means other supplies are a necessity as well. That is why Trinity Haymarket does its best to make sure the store has anything and everything farmers need. They also give local artisans exposure, by selling their products in the store, like organic soaps and lotions, homemade pickles and jams, hand-forged farm tools, and beekeeping equipment.

Chef Milton GourmetNo Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Richardson - 300.52 mi

For contributing to food and how people cook and eat, Chef Milton Gourmet and its owner should be considered as a salt of the earth - pun intended. Usually, those who pursue the business of selling salt are there for the profit to be had in selling salt for practical purposes. Because people need salt, period. Chef Milton Gourmet reminds us that there is more to explore when it comes to the use and taste of salt. These products were curated and produced with care. It is not a marketing ploy or a play on words - there is, indeed, a more complex dimension to using salt.

Texas Salt Co.No Own Retail Location

Artisan Food Producer in Belton - 309.47 mi

Grilling up something mean this weekend? Texas Salt Co. has you covered with their awesome smoked salts. Established in March 2020, owners Daniel and Andrew started crafting their smoked salts as a way to prepare gifts for the Christmas season. Because of their efforts, they were praised by friends and family for their salts and their 'Cowboy Salt' eventually was awarded for its excellent quality and unique flavor. If you're looking to grab some for your pantry, you can order online or drop by their 4 shops spread across Texas.

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