Ravenna, TX 75476
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Local Food Businesses offering Bitter Melon near Ravenna, Texas 75476 (3)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Sapling Farms

Farm & Ranch in Sanger - 56.46 mi

Sapling Farms had its humble beginnings in a suburban backyard near Dallas. Rooted in a farming upbringing, our founder's innate green thumb led her to cultivate an array of fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables. As her garden flourished, she found joy in sharing her abundant harvest with friends and family. The heartfelt appreciation for her home-grown produce inspired her to consider turning her passion into a profession. In 2018, Sapling Farms officially sprouted into existence. Today, we're proud to offer a unique selection of fruits and vegetables that reflect our commitment to quality and sustainability. If you're interested in getting involved or supporting our cause, Sapling Farms warmly welcomes volunteers and donations. Join us in nurturing this green journey!

East Dallas Community Garden

Farm & Ranch in Dallas - 68.99 mi

Established in 1987, the East Dallas Community Garden has thrived in Texas for over thirty years. Led by refugees from Cambodia and Bhutan, this unique garden receives mentorship from anthropologist Don Lambert, who assists with technical and legal aspects of community gardening. Nestled among apartments and businesses on Fitzhugh Avenue, it stands out as one of the area's most productive and vibrant green spaces. With a diverse range of vegetables, educational opportunities, and plant sales, the garden offers a complete experience for visitors. Additionally, they sell their fresh produce on specific days and times, so stay updated by following them on Facebook.

Finca Tres Robles

Farm & Ranch in Houston - 279.18 mi

Finca Tres Robles is owned and operated by SMALL PLACES LLC, a Houston based social impact business. Also, Finca Tres Robles is Houston’s only private farm inside 610 Loop, located in Houston’s East Side just 4 miles from Houston’s City Hall. "Locally grown, in the city, they carry a wide variety of fruits and vegetables". "Kind farmers, yummy vegetables, fun classes and farm dinners here". "This farm is also very involved with the community". And also "open Saturdays, very convenient for picking fresh vegetables in the morning". "Plus they give you a discount if you live in that zip code". Their farm "produce is amazing and the space is brilliant for very special events!" It is "a gem in the most unexpected of places!"

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