Ravenna, TX 75476
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Local Food Businesses offering Ruby Red Grapefruits near Ravenna, Texas 75476 (2)

Few businesses found within 50 miles. Showing the 10 closest listings from all of Texas


Hibiscus Hill Farm & Ranch

Farm & Ranch in Waller - 258.09 mi

Established in 1999, Hibiscus Hill Farm embodies sustainable values from the outset. A commitment to give back what's taken ensures an ecosystem that flourishes. The land, pesticide, and chemical-free for thirty years, perfectly aligns with their dream. Presently, the farm offers an array of grass-fed lamb, goat, beef, turkey, heritage pork, chicken, and free-range eggs. Beyond contented animals, glowing Facebook reviews reflect the happiness of staff and customers, cultivating a strong sense of community.


Farm & Ranch in Hargill - 511.98 mi

US Citrus' micro-budding is a grafting method done at an extremely young age. This system is also done by combining the best qualities of a hearty rootstock with the delicious qualities of the chosen graft. You will find an "amazing selection of citrus plants including some very hard to find rare varieties". A "very large operation" and "the owner is friendly and helpful". Their "plants are nicely sized for the price" too. The "5g plants are 4-5 feet tall with good caliper trunks". Also, the "info handouts are very professionally done". But, "what sets US Citrus above the rest, is that they" will answer "any questions" you "may have about growing healthy trees and give great advice".

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