Waco, TX 76703
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Local Food Businesses offering Raw Honey near Waco, Texas 76703 (2)

Few businesses found within 25 miles. Showing listings within 50 miles.


Brown’s Bee Removal & Apiary

Farmers Market in Whitney - 31.90 mi

It is a win-win situation for Brown’s Bee Removal & Apiary. If you don't like bees and you find a hive in your yard you need to be removed, you can call them for removal services. They would like for you to do that if you encounter hives or swarms. Do not kill bees because they are important to us. Brown’s Bee Removal & Apiary will make sure the bees are transferred to a place that is best for them. If you like bees and would like to buy bees to start your own apiary, you can call them as well. And if you are looking for bee-related products, Brown’s Bee Removal & Apiary is the one to call especially if you are in Whitney, where this business is located.

Cornerstone Creek Farm

Farm & Ranch in Grandview - 48.43 mi

Cornerstone Creek Farm provides "great service and so nice to get local produce, eggs, and meat". You can buy "some fresh ham steaks, ground beef, strawberries, apples, and raw honey from Cornerstone Creek Farms". "They’re set up every Friday in Cleburne and Burleson - so fun!" And, "their produce and meat are fantastic". Check out their social media page for updates on their deliveries.

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