Home / Promptuary / Fungi


Welcome to the Fungi section of the Texas Real Food Promptuary. First thing’s first, we’re going to feature edible and culinary mushrooms in this section of the promptuary so if you’re looking for information on Psilocybin mushrooms, then you’re out of luck! Now that that’s out of the way, on with the show!

As a precaution, never consume any mushroom from the wild unless it has been declared safe to eat by someone who knows what they’re doing. Of the thousands of types of mushrooms and fungi, only a few dozen are safe to eat, and of those, only around 20 have pleasing flavors and of those, less than 10 are seeing use in mainstream culinary use. Here in the promptuary, we’ll go over the most popular types of mushrooms, their flavor profiles, and how they’re typically enjoyed.


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