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Game Meats

Wild game comes from the meat and other by-products of animals that are living in game reserves. Their meat holds a high value in the market and is renowned for its supreme flavor and nutrition. Wild game hunting is a thrilling experience that some people treat as a sport. It greatly varies with the unpredictable, landscapes, weather conditions, and migratory patterns of wild animals.


The diversity of North America’s terrain gives hunters different thrilling hunting experiences whether they are in the Northern Rockies, the Southwestern deserts, and the mystical forests of the East and the Midwest.


Nevertheless, hunters should be guided by North America’s hunting laws and permits as States regulate the hunting of some species to regulate the ecosystem.

Game Meat Trivia

  • In September 2008, the Boone and Rocket Club awarded the biggest elk to a Rocky Mountain elk captured by Idaho hunter Denny Austad.
  • The largest alligator captures in Texas measures 19 feet X 2 inches and was brought to West Columbia, Jackson County.
  • The American Bison is the largest mammal in North America. They live in reserves such as the Yellowstone National Park, the Windcave National Park in South Dakota, and the Book Cliffs and Henry Mountains in Utah.

Game Meat Buying Guide

Wild game meats were both welcomed and dismayed by American consumers. Some consumers believe that the free-range and non-domesticated lifestyles of game meats give them more vitamins and nutrients to nourish the body. However, some people are against the consumption fearing that wild game meat might be carrying zoonotic viruses that could potentially harm humans on a big scale.


Thus, it is essential to know information about the wild meat being purchased, the overall ecological health of the area, and the credibility of the hunter.


Here are some game meats Americans should hunt or consume once in a while.


White-Tailed Deer – White-tailed Deer are the most common game animals in North America, but they’re not an easy hunt. They’re extremely agile creatures, very suspicious of their environment, and are easily startled by sounds.


Rocky Mountain Elk – Everyone loves the Rocky Mountain Elk. They can be found in both the Western and Eastern states and they’re prized for their antlers.


Barren Ground Caribou – Barren Ground Caribou are mostly found in Northwestern Canada and Alaska. It is a moderately difficult hunt using the spot-and-stalk hunting style which is suitable for an expert hunter but it’s more enjoyable when done in a pair or a group.


Alaska Brown Bear – the Alaskan Brown Bear can be found both in Canada and Alaska. They are one of the world’s largest carnivores. Hunting brown bears is not for the faint-hearted, it requires a deep knowledge of the landscape and years of experience in understanding bear behavior to successfully hunt one. Brown Bear hunting is rather dangerous because bears are extremely territorial and defensive creatures.


Bison – Bison is an American icon, inhabiting North America for millions of years. Bison once roamed freely but years of hunting and the conversion of vast grasslands into farms threatened their populations. If not for critical conservation practices, they would have been extinct.

Game Meat Production & Farming in Texas

You can choose from several game farms and hunting estates in Texas. Some hunting ranches include packages including accommodations, hunting and fishing tours, and a wide array of beverages and meals prepared by world-renowned chefs.


Some of the experiences include bow hunting which is the most in-demand service among hunters. Others prefer the thrill of night hunting where hunters have to wear night-vision goggles and use thermal scanners to target their prey.


Processing game after an exhilarating hunt is the most important aspect of game meat production. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing the hunted animal butchered and prepared for consumption. Most game reserves have offer different butchering and meat processing options. For instance, you can choose to butcher game meats to its cut or process them into sausages, ham, or bacon.



The diverse landscapes of North America host all types of game animals. From the forests, tundra, deserts, marshes, fields, and even colder regions, game animals grace the fertile land, offering an opportunity for hunters to enjoy and consume. The National Elf Refuge in Wyoming comprises mountains, hills, grasslands, and rivers that provide an abundant supply of nutrients for all its wildlife inhabitants. Meanwhile, the Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska hosts Denali, the highest mountain in North America, and some lower geographic formations such as tundra, taiga, snow, and glaciers.

Enjoying Game Meats

As all wild animals live in uncontrolled environments, hunters and consumers should be cautious in buying and eating game meat. Venison, fowl, and bear all carry bacteria and parasites that could potentially kill humans and cause global pandemics. Bacteria such as trichinellosis and toxoplasmosis from contaminated beer and deer meat can cause infection, resulting in fever, sore throat, headache, and bowel problems.


However, safely preparing game meats will make them suitable for human consumption. Pheasants are best eaten fried, venison can be grilled, and duck can be roasted.



The most important step after the killing is thoroughly cleaning the meat. Any traces of hair, skin, leaves, dirt, and other bodily fluids should be removed to prevent bacteria from breeding. It is imperative to immediately transport the meat to a cooler place and it should be frozen in a dry, ventilated area. Keep air out will preserve the freshness of the meat. Thus, a vacuum-sealed packaging is the safest way to store huge amounts of meat or preserves such as sausages and jerky.



Cooing game meat is l about enhancing the meats’ natural flavors or eliminating the gamey flavors to give it a subtle culinary mouthfeel. The strong flavors of venison pair well with the aroma, spiciness, and earthiness of herbs such as sweet marjoram, sage, rosemary, juniper berries, and bay leaves. Meanwhile, wild ducks are best prepared with root vegetables and a rich, red wine sauce to best enjoy its poultry flavors.



Game meats have recently been on the trend because it not only provides a thrilling experience, it also supplies natural and healthier meat that is incomparable to domesticated meats.


Iron: Iron is important in the formation of hemoglobin which is needed to transport oxygen in the blood. Iron cures fatigue and anemia, helps regulate the digestive system, and is essential for the cognitive development of infants while they’re inside the womb.


B6: Pyridoxine regulates the body’s serotonin and dopamine levels which can help reduce depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Thus, it is also an effective remedy for pre-menstrual syndrome especially when women go through irritability, anxiety, and depression.


Niacin: Niacin is essential in cell repair. As an antioxidant, it is an effective cure for skin problems and diarrhea. Niacin also helps prevent heart disease by lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol and increasing good (HDL) cholesterol.


Riboflavin: Riboflavin maintains a good liver, it aids in the absorption of iron and folic acid, helps in the maintenance of the adrenal glands, and helps prevent cataracts and other eye diseases.




  • Serving Size: 1 Serving (Pheasant)
  • Calories: 346 17%
  • Carbs: 0g 0%
  • Sugar: 0g 0%
  • Fiber: 0g 0%
  • Protein: 45.4g 91%
  • Fat: 16.9g 26%
  • Saturated Fat: 4.9g 25%
  • Trans Fat 0g 0%
  • Cholesterol 125mg 42%
  • Sodium 60.2mg 3%
  • Vitamin C 3.2mg 5%
  • Vitamin A 266IU 5%
  • Calcium 22.4mg 2%
  • Iron 2mg 11%
  • Potassium 379mg 11%
  • Vitamin E 0.4mg 2%
  • Vitamin K 6.9mcg 9%
  • Vitamin B12 1mcg 17%
  • Vitamin B6 1mg 52%
  • Folate 7mcg 2%
  • Magnesium 30.8mg 8%
  • Phosphorus 339mg 34%
  • Copper 0.1mg 6%
  • Zinc 1.9mg 13%

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