Despite it nearing the end of the year, September is still a great month for vegetables. Produce like okra, collard greens, and turnips are some of the many raw food items that you can integrate into your weekly meal regimen. Especially for us in Texas, we’re lucky to have a good variety of produce throughout the year.

Okra is filled with a good amount of antioxidants that are great at fighting off cancers in the body. The southern classic collard greens offer vitamins and minerals that improve bone health, prevent diseases by neutralizing free radicals, and help strengthen the body’s immune system. Turnips bring to the table some fiber for great digestion and reduced constipation. Even the leafy greens of the turnip provide a great source of calcium.

Even Though it’s September, it doesn’t mean that you can enjoy your fair share of fresh and organic produce that is sourced from local farmers. The abundance of food in Texas is a blessing for all of us who live here. Because of this, we can enjoy great all-natural real food throughout the year.


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